The word "colour" summons up various emotional responses depending on individual tastes. To the colour lover it offers impact, a release of their individuality and a medium to create a statement in their home.
To others who favour more neutral tones in their zone of white, grey, blush and beige - the word colour brings an element of anxiety. However, there is no need to fear colour, you can harness and utilise this medium to create a statement in your home.
If you are not entirely convinced to paint an entire room, try an accent wall or simply select accent pieces in artwork, cushions, lamps and soft furnishings to bring colour to your space.
The trick is to select colours that either complement each other, meaning they are from opposite sides of the colour wheel like navy blue and ochre yellow, or work with one side of the colour wheel and select colours that are similar like blues, greens and turquoises.
Don't be afraid to shake it up a bit and push the envelope. The results can deliver a striking and totally original scheme. Some colour selections being used at the moment along with the base colours of grey, white, blush and beige tend to be more moody and dirtier toned versions of the original colour, with the exception of dramatic pops of yellow and aqua. Green is also still commanding quite a strong presence in schemes at the moment.
Check out some of our inspiration below to help you discover how colour can create a beautiful and unique space.

Image Source: Pinterest

Image Source: Pinterest

Image Source: Pinterest

Image Source: Pinterest
For more inspiration on how you can add colour to your home interior, check out our Inspirations Paint CQ Pinterest Board.
If selecting a colour still seems daunting, professional advice is only a call away. Give us a call or come and see us at one of our Inspirations Paint CQ stores and we will be more than happy to help.
Go and have fun shaking up the colour.
Happy painting,